Frequently asked questions.
Not as much as you think.
Almost no credit cards provide medical expense or evacuation coverage.
Some cards provide cancellation coverage, but with an annual limit ($1,500-$2,500 per 12 month period), and the list of covered reasons is limited. Interruption coverage and travel delay covereage are oftem is limited or not even offered.
Not completely. Most regular health insurance plans provide partial or no coverage while you are traveling in another country.
Medicare never covers travelers abroad.
Countries with ‘universal health care’ might assist with minor needs, but they are under no obligation to do so. In the event of major or ongoing medical expenses they would cease to help, and they would never pay to evacuate you or help you return home.
A little. It depends on when you cancel, but generally you won’t get much back.
Most cruise companies have a 'declining refund schedule'. That means the closer you get to the departure date, the less you get back, until you're so close to your departure date that no refund is offered at all. Generally within 2 weeks there is zero refund, and even canceling a month before will usually only get you a 25% refund.
Yes, many plans cover hurricanes and weather under trip cancellation coverage.
To be covered you need to:
1) make sure a hurricane is listed as a covered reason
2) buy insurance before the storm is named
3) insure for the full trip cost, and
4) some plans require that you buy soon after your trip payment to avoid the waiting period.
Yes, many plans offer a waiver that removes the pre-existing condition exclusion.
To be covered you need to:
1) buy your plan soon after your first trip payment
2) insure for the full trip cost
3) be medically cleared for travel at the time of purchase.
Insurance costs 4-8% of the trip cost (pre-paid, non-refundable expenses).
Basic plans can be very budget-minded at less than 4%, and premium vacation plans can be over 12%. Travel medical insurance is based on the length of your trip, and can be as little as a few dollars per day.
Ideally, within days of making your initial trip deposit.
There are many benefits to purchasing the plan sooner rather than later, including maximizing the period of cancellation coverage and being eligible for pre-existing condition coverage and hurricane coverage.
The companies referred by TripInsuranceConsultants.com are companies that have years of experience with solid AM Best ratings of financial stability.
A 100% refund of premium within the Free Look Period is guaranteed by all companies.
This allows travelers to review their policy and return it for any reason with the allowed time period (sometimes less a small administration fee of $5-$8) as long as the traveler has not filed a claim or departed on their trip.
Start by clicking the big yellow button on our home page to give us the information we need to give you a policy recommendation and a quote. It only takes a minute!
Once we have your trip info, we'll personally research the best policy for you. We'll then email you a quote and a link to purchase the recommended policy.
Since travel insurance is a temporary insurance product, there is generally no underwriting period or medical examination required. It's easy. :-)